Sembly Personal is Featured on Product Hunt — #2 Product of the Day

Recently updated on January 24th, 2023

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Sembly Personal - The smartest AI assistant for your online meetings | Product Hunt


💭Imagine a world where you are fully engaged during meetings rather than writing notes.

💭Imagine delegating meeting attendance to your AI assistant instead of missing a meeting when you are double-booked.

💭Imagine easily searching and recalling important points across all your calls with one quick command.

Over the past year, we’ve been delegated by Covid-19 to remote and hybrid work environments. People are attending back-to-back, long online meetings with too many participants and in many cases are double booked. Sembly is here to help ease the pain. It’s changing the meeting paradigm to help you with your busy schedule.

With Sembly Professional, our machine learning algorithms generate insights like sentiment and follow-up actions that save you time.

Here is a sample of features available when you upgrade to Sembly Professional:

  • 💡 Calendar Integration: Sembly will automatically join your meetings.
  • 💡 Voice ID: Sembly keeps track of who-said-what.
  • 💡 Voice Commands: Sembly is your personal meeting assistant that understands commands.
  • 💡 Sentiment Analysis: Sembly highlights important points throughout your meeting.
  • 💡 Meeting-at-a-Glance: Sembly creates easy to read summaries of your meeting.
  • 💡 Post-Meeting Dialogue: Sembly enables post-meeting dialogue and engagement
  • 💡 Quick Search: Sembly allows you to quickly find important points from past conversations.
  • 💡 Meeting Cloud: Sembly keeps all meetings in a meeting cloud for easy access.

Are you ready to take your meeting game to the next level? To get started, go ahead and sign up through this link for free!

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The smartest AI team assistant
Sembly transcribes, takes AI meeting notes, and generates insights for your professional meetings

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