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Smart AI Assistant
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Unlock over $30 in value* by redeeming the
promo code enclosed within your Philips DVT box
*The $30 value comprises a 30-day free trial of Sembly Al Professional and 1,000 additional credits via the promo code. These credits allow for additional audio uploads. While a credit card is necessary for sign-up, charges only occur post-trial.
Review Sembly Terms of Service and Pricing plans for additional details.

Experience Philips Dictation devices powered by Sembly AI

Sembly introduces AI teammates who take meeting notes, generate post-meeting content, and update workflow applications with tasks and other next-step items, enabling teams to reduce manual work and focus on high value activities.

Sembly AI has teamed up with Philips Dictation | Speech Processing Solutions, the global leader in professional speech-to-text solutions sold under the Philips brand.
Unlock over $30 in value* by redeeming the
promo code enclosed within your Philips DVT box