AI-generated meeting summaries enable business teams to interact, collaborate and achieve more from current meetings

Recently updated on January 24th, 2023

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For many of us, keeping up with the volume of meetings that are held on different conference platforms every day is quite challenging. Participating in the meetings, contributing to the discussion in a meaningful way, capturing the key items from the discussion, sharing the notes from the meeting, and holding team members accountable for the follow-on actions can be quite frustrating and time-consuming.

The Sembly platform empowers you and your team by capturing the discussion and automatically summarizing the key topics discussed. This allows you and those in the meeting to be completely immersed in the discussion.

A quick review of the summary with the ability to edit as needed provides a valuable timesaver, but most importantly, provides a “single voice of the meeting”.

Sembly creates a single source of truth and one place to go to understand what was discussed, the issues raised, the decisions made and the accountable parties. You and your team members now have 100% recall and the ability to search key areas of previous meetings.

Sembly enables business teams to achieve more with a new and enhanced version of next-generation, AI-powered meeting summaries — Glance View. It’s a brand new release of the Sembly SaaS platform with an updated level of innovation, enabled by artificial intelligence and machine learning, that does more than it ever has.

Sembly updated look-and-feel Glance View — AI-powered meeting summaries
Elon Musk Interview Sembly AI-generated summary

The unstructured data contained in hundreds or thousands of hours of discussion is now structured in a way that can be used to draw valuable insights.

Highlights from the enhanced meeting summarization capabilities include the following:

🔥 Glance View Meeting Summaries contain an AI-generated, sentence structured description of discussed topics, including an Action Items list that is automatically created from the flow of the discussion (actions, issues, risks, requirements, due dates, responsible parties).

Updated Action Items list, with assignee and due dates recognition
Updated Action Items list,
with the assignee and due dates recognition

All these items can be quickly converted into tickets and tasks that may reside in other systems of record.

Glance View and Action item features are available on Sembly Professional plan, and inside all plans for the teams: Sembly Team and Sembly Enterprise.

🔥 Automated Meeting Minutes are generated in a single click that can be quickly edited and shared within and outside of the team. Sembly provides automated templates and a rich set of options to add or change meeting minutes and include or exclude key items that you can quickly share with anyone.

🔥 Customized Sharing Options allow you to share the summary, meeting minutes, key items and the full transcript or choose just to share specific elements. If you were invited to the discussion and were unfortunately unable to join the discussion, or simply chose not to attend, you’ll have access to the entire meeting to review when it works best for you.

For those who have a need to know outside of the meeting invitation list, you choose what elements of the meeting are important to share.

AI-generated meeting topic, related transcription part, and automated action item example
AI-generated meeting topic, related transcription part,
and automated action item example

Sembly’s advanced AI capabilities supercharge productivity for teams focused on spending their time wisely and keeping an eye on achieving their desired business outcomes. Sembly’s web application is designed to be user-friendly and highly intuitive so you spend less time finding what you need.

Take back control of your schedule and empower your team members to manage their days in the ways that works best for them!

We welcome you to explore our professional team and enterprise license options with their seamless integration with all virtual meeting platforms. If you’re a new user or team, sign up here and unleash the power of AI for you and your team!

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The smartest AI team assistant
Sembly transcribes, takes AI meeting notes, and generates insights for your professional meetings

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